Food, Exercise and Symptom Diary 2020-2017

My Food, Exercise and Symptom diary starts in January of 2017. I followed a personalized version of the Whole 30 diet and an Autoimmune diet. I completed two elimination protocols in 2017 and 2018. I followed a Psoriatic Arthritis Diet after those elimination protocols. In late 2019, after 9 months with Disseminated Zoster, I tried a 5-day fast and elimination diet under the care of a functional medicine doctor. I had disease flares in early 2020 and fasted briefly in January and February of 2020. I am not yet disease free but I am not on a biologic nor do I take a regular NSAID. I am motivated to continue working at this with the goal of reversing my disease. I also keep a detailed medication diary of the many medications and supplements I have tried.

December 2020

November 2020

October 2020

I started making my own kombucha this month and absolutely LOVE the way it makes me feel. I am struggling with ice cream right now because I found an amazing caramel pecan chocolate flavor that is addicting. I discovered 2 foods that may be problematic for me. I had 2 bowls of popcorn on October 6th and the next day I had raging psoriasis. I was also drinking a lot of lemongrass tea because my lemongrass was flourishing in my garden. I was also using it in stir-fries. I needed to move it in my garden and after digging it out and moving it my arms had a solid red rash. I am deducing that if my SKIN reacts to lemongrass, possibly my GUT reacts to lemongrass. So I’m abstaining for a while. I have some kombucha that is flavored with lemongrass and I’ll let it sit for a while before introducing it again. The other food culprit is peppers. I can have them in small quantities but when I eat a lot of them, I notice psoriasis flare the next day. Overall though, my lichen planus is getting better and if I eat right, I can have some good days so I am getting more optimistic that I am able to control my disease with my diet. It just takes discipline!

September 2020

August 2020

The coronavirus has been good for me in some ways. The slower pace has allowed me to put my exercise routine first and I have grown so much stronger this summer. But the drinking that I started at the beginning of COVID is now out of control. I drink daily and because I am home (no driving required), I don’t worry about how much I am drinking. I crossed a line on August 6th. I had a couple glasses at book club but then came home & poured myself a bourbon while watching TV. At some point, I lost memories of the evening. Nothing special, just sitting at home watching TV. That freaked me out that I have so little self-control! So I stopped the alcohol again. It was so much easier this time. I didn’t stress about what to order at a restaurant or at a happy hour (yes I’ve had a few outdoor social events, even during COVID). I feel stronger, I’m getting more REM sleep, getting up earlier. Overall a huge life improvement. I hate that alcohol is such a prominent part of our social world. It’s awful for me.

July 2020

This may be a sign that I am feeling better. For the first time in about 2 years, I forgot to log my food for about 2 weeks. I have attempted to write in what I remember. The good news is that my psoriasis has mostly been in remission and my psoriatic arthritis is mild in my hands right now. I am swimming almost daily. My back still hurts but I think it is better. There are times that I feel strong! I notice when I’m lifting that I am using my abs more. My swimming technique has also changed and I am doing more work with my legs rather than all the work with my arms.

June 2020

I am in a bit of a rut. I am not feeling horrible, but I’m not feeling great either. The low back pain is always present. It is worst in the morning and on some days I can not bend over to pick up my shoes without holding on to a wall. I’ve added standup paddleboard to my repertoire for the summer and I am swimming in the lake, which is much more exhausting than the short laps I manage in the pool. My exercise has been pretty good this month and I think that’s why it feels like a rut. I expect to feel better than I do. I started some ab exercises that are focused on the upper part of my ab-where I am the weakest. I’m doing planks and push-ups, focusing on the hollow curve of my ab. They don’t seem to be helping though! My other problem is I hate the amount of alcohol I am drinking again. It’s so frustrating that I have no control over it!

May 2020

May has been a month of slow but steady improvements. It is possible the 3 new antioxidants from April helped. But two other efforts may be helping. I started pelvic floor physical therapy and on May 6th and 20th she tried dry needling the scar tissue around my vagina and I noticed immediate improvements during sex. The other big effort was I had a chance to try platelet rich plasma (PRP) because my functional medicine doctor was training his staff. I was only paying “cost” so I decided to take the risk in multiple areas. PRP has shown some improvement with lichen sclerosis so we did it in my vaginal area. She went ahead and did the procedure they do for the “O” shot but I’m not noticing a major libido boost. She also put some in the facet of L3, L4, L5 and my SI joint. AND, I decided to take the plunge & do an aesthetic version on my face. So far (2 weeks after procedure), the biggest improvement is in my back. She sent me home with an extra syringe and I used it on my anal psoriasis and hemorrhoids. The hemorrhoids shrunk noticeably but I’m not sure it will last very long. I had a mild anal psoriasis flare within days after stopping. But, the Dessert Harvest’s Aloe Vera Gele’ tamed it within a day or two so I am back to no flare. Feeling better than I have in months!

April 2020

My doctor is starting me on 3 additional antioxidant supplements to see if they calm my immune system and the psoriasis flares. Coincidentally, the psoriasis calmed the first day I started the antioxidants. I can’t give the antioxidants credit for that improvement. My Inverse Psoriasis, PsA in my hands and low back pain were bad for the entire month.

March 2020

I ended February with out of town guests and my sister in town with her four kids, then immediately made 2 trips the first week of March. So I adjusted my diet to accommodate other people. It wasn’t awful but it wasn’t great either. I cheated a lot this month and gave in to my sweet cravings. Then May 12th I started with symptoms that were consistent with coronavirus (except the fever). I called my doctor and they said I should get tested, so I did. It was negative but the symptoms of this virus were very strange and not like any flu or cold symptoms I’ve ever experienced. My psoriasis just will not go away. I know part of the problem is that I keep eating dairy, sugar & occasional alcohol. Since my doctor doesn’t want me using the vitamin D ointment that helps my psoriasis, I decided to start back on some of my supplements to see if I can continue to heal my body from the inside out. Part of me still believes that the reason the psoriasis is so bad is that it was the first part of my autoimmune conditions so it will be the last thing I get rid of. I want to believe that my body is continuing to heal and that if I keep working at this that my body will eventually be strong enough to keep my immune system in check.

February 2020

February started with an amazing trip to Aspen, Colorado. I continued the Vitamin D cream on this trip and it kept the inverse psoriasis at bay even though I was allowing myself some alcohol each day. My alcohol use was nothing like the binge drinking of a year ago, but I was drinking daily and with most meals. I had an amazing hot chocolate drink that caused significant tooting (dairy) but I’m going to say it was worth the distress just once. When I returned, my doctor encouraged me to stop the Vitamin D cream because our goal was to deal with these symptoms from the inside out. My disease is caused by something in my digestive system and if we keep working at it we can heal me from the inside out. I hadn’t really realized it, but my psoriatic arthritis was mostly gone. February was a tough month because I had out of town guests from Feb 21-27 as well. I also ran out of PT sessions, so between that & my out of town guests my exercise routines diminshed and the low back/SI joint pain returned. 

January 2020

I started January with a 3-day fast to get rid of the inverse psoriasis and it worked. The Physical Therapy was almost debilitating at first. They had me lay on a foam roller, not the type for rolling out myofascia but just a soft piece of foam that was meant to reset the curvature of my back. After 15-20 minutes of laying on it, I could barely move. They also put me on a machine that was meant to stretch out the space between my vertebrae. I also started doing a Pilates Mat class because I had a free month at a rock climbing gym. The instructor at that class was amazing and I am still planning to circle back to those classes. At first, all this exercise made me feel worse, but by the mid-January I was feeling stronger than ever. I had a trip to New Orleans January 17-20 and although I tried to eat gluten free, I am sure I got gluten in more than one meal. I also drank alcohol on this trip and as a consequence, my inverse psoriasis and lichen planus reared its ugly head. So I did a modified version of the fast January 21-26 where I eliminated meat and ate smaller amounts of food. This helped but it was not as effective as a complete fast. The lichen planus went away but the inverse psoriasis lingered in a mild form. I also read about and bought a vitamin D cream that was supposed to be effective on inverse psoriasis. I bought it and it cleared up my psoriasis immediately!

December 2019

I picked the worst time of year to do this extreme diet, but I ran out of options and hit a low point that gave me the courage to leap into this challenge. I added a week to my 21 day diet because the week of Thanksgiving was supposed to be my all vegetable week, which thankfully, my doctor realized was not a practical or realistic thing to ask. So I was able to eat turkey and vegetables the week of Thanksgiving and some baked apples with a oatmeal crumble on top. My vegetables only week was November 30th through December 5th and I realized I felt better that week! My back and muscle aches got worse before they got better while doing this diet. And I hurt in places where I had not previously struggled like my upper abdomen rib area in the front, below my breasts was so tight I could barely breath without hurting. I started physical therapy and begain reintroducing foods in the following order: Eggs, tomatoes, peppers (red bell, green, ancho, pasilla, guajill, jalepeno), pork, quinoa, rice. We’re pretty sure the quinoa caused my inverse psoriasis to return so I will keep quinoa out of my diet and try reintroducing it once I am completely clear of symptoms for a long period of time. 

November 2019

Now that I know I no longer have Disseminated Zoster, I am motivated to tackle my symptoms from another angle. I’m seeing an allergist/immunologist-watch for updates. And I’m doing the craziest thing I have ever done. I am seeing a functional medicine doctor and tackling a very extreme diet that starts with a 5 day fast, 21 days on specific foods and then a gradual reintroduction of all the eliminated foods to identify my food triggers. I stopped all my medications and supplements and took some recommended by this doctor that focused on healing me from the inside out.


October 2019

Another month with no alcohol and not only do I not see a health improvement, I had 2 flares that I thought were my Disseminated Zoster. However, it turns out, it is something else, and no one knows what. On October 4th I started feeling very tired, sinus drainage, sore throat, headache, and by evening, noticed some spots on my tummy. I could not get in touch with my doctor so I self prescribed increasing my anti-virals, which caused the spots to clear up by about October 15th. The one change that may be responsible for the flare, is I started Sulfasalazine on September 28th. It should not have caused this flare, but just to be safe, I stopped it on October 7th. I was scheduled to get the shingles vaccine (delayed due to insurance) and was especially frustrated that I got this flare waiting on insurance and doctor approvals. I pushed on my doctors to let me know when I could get the vaccine. One doctor told me to wait 30 days, but I had the sense that his office said that without any real science to back up their position. So I asked 2 other doctors and they both said as long as there were no active lesions, that I could get the vaccine. So I got the vaccine on October 21st. I felt great the day after I got it (most people feel like they have the flu for a day or two) and was very hopeful that it would be a turning point. But, by October 28th I was starting another zoster flare. But this time, my doctor said I should get some of the bumps biopsied again. And to everyone’s amazement, they came back negative for Disseminated Zoster. That is good news (zoster is serious) and now opens the door to a lot more questions. My diet in October has not been great, but I have managed to remain OFF alcohol, which is a huge accomplishment.

I also saw a Gynecologic Oncologist this month to give me a recommendation on how to deal with the vaginal ulcer that wasn’t healing. I was not impressed with her recommendation that we cut out the ulcer area!


September 2019

I’m frustrated that I have not lost weight after 9 weeks of no alcohol. That affirms that there is something drastically wrong with the way I metabolize alcohol. I have definitely been eating more sweets. And ice cream has become a regular part of my diet while adjusting to no alcohol. I’m struggling with constant back pain right now and I’m theorizing that it is because of the extra 5-10 lbs of fat in my gut. My posture and everything has changed. I have no core strength so I seem to use my lower back when bending over. My next behavior adjustment will be to get rid of the sugar. I need to tackle removing all inflammatory foods again, including nightshades and see how I feel.

Just got my bloodwork back and my cholesterol is through the roof. So I’m starting another elimination diet effective immediately (9/26). Limiting my food intake to protein, vegetables and fruit. The only other possible explanation is I cut my Omega 3 supplements in half a while back. I will probably add that back too.

9-1 S, Gfruit, rice krispie bars
romaine w coldcuts, tomatoes, cucumbers
Gshrimp, fried fish
9-2fruit, few bites of scrambled eggs
green salad, chicken salad, tomatoes, squash, cucumber salad
D, S, Ggrill chicken, okra, cheesy squash, tomatoes, peppers, peach cobbler
9-3granola bar
salad, okra, tomatoes, cucumbers, chicken,
S,DDQ blizzard w peanut butter & chocolate
phyllo wrapped spinach, spinach phyllo square, chips & artichoke/spinach dipCBD .5 of Blyss
9-4Smoothie-blackberry, strawberry, mango, spinach, oatmeal, tumeric, grapefruit juice, 9g collagenL Glutamine
5 okra, 2 peppers, 1 tomato, 1 small onion, 2 garlic, 1 chicken thigh
mint choc chip ice cream
G, S,pizza, pasta, sausage, tiramisu, cannoli, ginger beerCBD .5 of Blyss
9-5smoothie-fruit, 9g collagen, oatmeal, tumeric, grapefruit juice
chicken thigh, okra, squash, tomato, spinach
S,Dice cream
Ssmall portion beef & veggies, milky way candy
salmon, okra, squashCBD .5 of Blyss
9-64 or 5 coffeesCBD .5 of Blyss
G,Shalf veggie wrap, bbq Vickie’s chips, Smore’s cookie
Loaded large serving of nacho’s
9-74-5 coffees
D, SSalmon, squash, okra, onion, ice cream
.25A, G2 chicken legs, foie gras on bread, pate’ in bread, small sip of wine1 ml CBD
9-8gyro meat, greek salad, naan w oil, hummus1 ml CBD
S, Dice cream
tomatoes basil oil vinegar parm, chips w bean & cheese, 1/2 cantalopecantalope gave me gas
9-94 small eggs, veggies-cauliflower, onion, pepper, squash, eggplantVery low REM, .75 ml CBD
S, Dice cream
dove ravioli-pine nuts parlsey parm, squash w onion & peppers, okra.25 CBD
9-104 small eggs, veggies-cauliflower, onion, pepper, squash, eggplantPoor sleep, bad headache, 500mg valtrex
2 protein or paleo bars
celery w hummus, almond butter, & almond butter on breaddose of nano cbd in store
salmon, dove ravioli, okra, squash
9-11bacon egg taco1/2 ml nano cbd, l glultamine, 500mg valtrex
enchilada, rice beans at school
S7 lindt chocolates spread out over afternoon
4 dove ravioli w alfredo sauce, okra, squash, cauliflower1/2 ml (5mg) nano cbd
9-12, S, D, GCorner bakery turkey avocado sandwich w chips, fruit & cookie
S, D3 lindt chocolates, small serving salmon & squash eggplant pepper veggies, ice cream
9-132 coffee, nutsbad headache, stiff for 2-3 hrs
2 dove ravioli w alfredo, squash-eggplant-pepper mix, spinach, 9g collagen1/2 ml (5mg) nano cbd in morning & midday
2 fish tacos, 1/2 of 1 tortilla, salad
D, Sice cream
9-142 coffee1/2 ml (5mg) nano cbd, mild headache
smoothie maybe, not much, then cantalope
nikki’s sashimi plate w rice & all the sides-ate lots was weak from working outside
9-15coffee, egg avocado tomato1/2 ml (5mg) nano cbd morning & afternoon, headache
chicken leg, fried eggplant, squash
S,Dice cream
cream asparagus soup w tofu
few fried eggplant
9-17Smoothieheadache when wake
salad chicken grilled veggies
yakisoba w pork
9-18egg avocado tomatoheadache when wake
S,Dice creamwalked lots
s,d2 sushi rolls, ice creammissed afternoon cbd dose
9-19egg avocado tomatoheadache & sinus congestion
S, Dsoup from freezer? ice cream
ate something b4 mtg, then veggies, & brownie, small candies during meeting
9-202 protein bars, nuts
3A3 champagne, tempura asparagus, 1/4 eggplant sandwich, broccoli saladmassage, facial
3Ahummus, naan, bread, charcuterie, paella, gin & tonic, Old Fashioned, gin cocktail
9-21eggs benedict
S, G, 3A4 kinds of ravioli, red wine, french 75, macaroons
9-22eggs benedict over quinoa, cinnamon roll
S, Dribs, potatoes, broccoli, ice cream
9-23broccoli soup w pumpkin seeds, collagenfasting bloodwork
D, Sice cream
S, Driced cauliflower w onion, peppers, butternut, pork/venison shwarma balls, tahini sauce, ice cream
9-24oatmeal, craisins, honey, cookies
S, Dribs, potatoes, broccoli, ice creamleft side back pain but more in hip joint
S,Driced cauliflower w onion, peppers, butternut, pork/venison shwarma balls, tahini sauce, ice creamleft side back pain but more in hip joint
brussel sprouts, trout over lentils w pesto butter, nasturtium, scallop appyxtra cbd dose b4 bed
9-263 coffee, riced cauliflower w onion, peppers, butternut, pork/venison shwarma balls, tahini saucefelt better this morning
orange, trail mix
spinach bacon salad, 4 chunks chicken w pasta, 3 strawberries, blackberries, raspberrieswalked, massage
9-272 c coffee, rotisserie chicken leg & thigh, 2 c broccolileft sinus congested, headache
pear w almond butter, 9 g collagen, ginger tumeric tea1 hr cycling glass
1A1 glass Cava, Burrata asparagus artichoke, beet appy, goat cheese, bread, Seabass w fried cauliflower
9-282 coffee, veggie saute-onion fennel carrot, 2 eggs, .25 avocado
beef carpacio, snapper, carrot, bread,wrist pain, R side back muscle pain
9-292 c coffee, rotisserie chicken leg & thigh, 2 c broccoli
S4 lindt truffle balls
lamb chop, broccoli carrot saute, spinach salad w bacon & onionwrist pain, R side back muscle pain
9-30kale salad w bacon & onion
2 chicken wings, banana w almond butterwrist pain, R side back muscle pain
shwarma meatball w tahini, 1 zucchini, 10 shishito peppers50″ indoor cycle class
S2 lindt balls

August 2019

I stopped drinking alcohol August 1st. I read This Naked Mind by Annie Grace and am currently working through her other book, The Alcohol Experiment. Watch for my book review and detailed notes coming soon. I am thoroughly enjoying my alcohol freedom. My social experiences are so much richer without alcohol. I remember people and what we discussed. I absolutely love it. I am eating more sugar and for the moment, I’m not going to worry about that. I am also continuing to build my strengh by working out in some way almost every day. I have been doing pilates and swimming for most of July and August. But my classes are about to run out so I will be exploring other workout options by September.

  • Aug 8-Aug 31 Reduced Valcyclovir to 250 mg. Will stay at this dose until I get my shingles vaccine.
  • Only other problem is the vaginal ulcer is back, not going away and possibly even getting worse. Aug 19th ulcer burns very bad and was red up into the vaginal wall. Skin around the ulcer looks white, like lichen sclerosis, but biopsy ruled that out.
  • Aug 22-26. Feel like I’m recovering from strenuous workout. Muscles all ache.
  • Aug 25th. Wondering about the role of L-Glutamine. I inadvertently stopped using for about 2 weeks and my psoriasis has flared. Adding back & will log if I notice a difference. 
  • Aug 29th. Diagnosed Group B Strep in vagina. Starting Amoxicillin Aug 31st.
8-13 coffee, eggs, yogurt, granola
2 high protein barswalked 6.5 miles
S, D2 crab cakes, bites of shee-crab soup, green beans & bell peppers, ice cream
8-23 coffee, eggs, yogurt, granolawalked 5 miles
Thai Drunken Noodles with chicken, large portion
G, SNaked Rainbow roll (from grocery store) and a cookie
8-3eggs, pancake, fiber ball, zucchini bread, oranges, grapes, blueberrieswalked 5 miles
Amish pretzels, strawberries, Amish root beer
S,GAmish meal-meat loaf, corn, cucumber, tomato, zucchini casserole, cake, pudding, peaches
8-4egg casserole, pancake, fiber ball, chocolate zucchini bread, oranges, grapes, blueberrieswalked 6 miles, back starting to hurt end of day again
philly cheese steak over fries, onions, ketchup
2 cookies
8-5trail mix, 2 bars while traveling, lg starbucksbad lower back pain, only 3 hours of sleep
Thai-tofu over fried eggplant, green tea
Haagen Dasz ice cream bar, 3 coffees
2 ribs, 1/4 potato, tomato celery, romaine salad
8-63 coffees
eggs, b’fast sausage, cheese, tomato, salsa
Smoothie-cranberry, pineapple, acai juice, tumeric juice, oatmeal, 9g collagen50″ pilates
2 ribs, zucchini in butter, sweet potato in butter
SCostco coconut, chocolate, dried cranberry cookie
8-7bacon egg tacovery bad headache last night
tomato w pimento cheese, tortilla chips w bean & cheese
tomatoes w hummus, Skinny pop cheddar
Kombucha, antipasta salad, buttered shrimp over noodles & zucchini, berry cobbler
8-82 coffee, orange, L Glutamine50″ pilates
2 ribs, sweet potatoes, zucchini, tumeric concentrate
coffee, avacado toast appy
D, S15 small dumplings, 1/2 c ice cream
8-94 coffeeheadache when woke
smoothie-mango, cranberry, moringa powder, 9g collagen, oatmeal, acai juice, tumeric juice
egg casserole square
S, Gcucumbers, burger on 1/2 bun, wedding cake
8-102 egg, sausage, cheese, pico tacosleft sinus congested
turkey sandwich w cheese, tomato, cucumber, threw away some bread
S,Gshrimp beef zucchini pepper kebabs over rice, wedding cake
8-111 egg, sausage, cheese, pico taco, cantaloupeleft sinus congested
chips, turkey cheese sandwich on romaine
S, G, Dwedding cake, ice cream
8-12smoothie-banana, mango, strawberries, oatmeal, 9g collagen, moringa powderslight headache, left sinus blocked
SCaveman, Dark Choc Almond Coconut bar, cucumber & hummus
chicken thigh, broccoli, frozen potato fries
S, D~1 c ice cream
8-133 coffee, smoothie-cranberry, mango, peach, moringa powder, 9g collagen, tumeric juice, acai juice, grapefruit juice
egg casserole, broccolipilates class
S9 lindt chocolate balls @ 75 calories each=675 calories!
S, Goyster, bread w butter, squash soup, steamed drum, lentil corn succotash, peach cobblerCBD
8-143 coffee, bacon egg taco
egg casserole w tomato
chicken thigh, baked potato, broccoli
S, Dice cream..can’t remember but lotsswim 320 yards, CBD
8-15banana, kale, pineapple, oatmeal, tumeric, acai, collagen, moringa powder smoothieGood REM & Deep
cucumber, celery, hummus, tomato
S, Dice cream
steak, asparagus, potatoes, pea salad
flourless chocolate cake, caramel, whipped creamCBD
8-16SmoothieGood REM & Deep
Chik fila fries, honey roasted peanuts6 hr drive
chicken spaghetti, salad, roll, cobbler, cantalope
8-17cantalope, sconeOOT, slept bad, awake
Costco caesar salad
catfish, rice & beans, loaded baked potatoNo exercise except moving son
8-18crab cake eggs benedictOOT, Slept bad, awake, low REM & Deep
G, D, Shoney roasted peanuts, ice cream barSwim 320 yards, 7 hr drive
bbq over baked potato, wilted kale garlic w EVOOCBD
8-19smoothie-kale, banana pineapple, 9g collagen, moringa powder, acai, tumeric, oatmealNot awake, but low REM & deep
2 oz steak & scallop potatoswim 320 yards, flying today
Ceviche, Peruvian seafood stir fry
8-20cuban sandwiches
GKind bar, Red hotsdrive 5 hours
8-21eggs, cheese, salsa, sausage, potatoes, oatmeal, granola & raisins
3 oysters, Mahi mahi w shrimp & creole sauce, trout w crab & hollandaise, potatoes, saladDrive 16 hours
8-22lobster enchiladas, saute’d vegetables
G, S, Dice cream, chips, salad coldcut meat, lettuce, tomato, macadamia nut cookieSwim 320 yards
8-23kind bar
Gdeviled egg, finger pimento cheese, chicken salad sandwiches
yogurt, blueberries, almonds, Costco trail mix
slider burger, mac/cheese, salad, 4 shrimp, bacon jalpeno
8-243 coffee, Smoothie-blackberry, mango, kale, oatmeal, 9g collagen, oj, tumericwoke w headache & congested left sinus
D, Schicken leg & thigh, broccoli, white choc ice cream
scallop & negihama handroll, unagi, hamachi sushi, half of whole fried snapper, bites of tempura, cucumber, kaleleft sinus blocked when went to bed
8-253 coffee, smoothie-mango, berries, kale, oatmeal, 9g collagen, tumeric, ojnight sweats, woke w headache & left sinus congested, feel like recovering from hard workout, L Glutamine
cheese, 4 shrimp wrapped in bacon, corn, okra, lima beans, spinach blueberry pecan parmesan salad, grapefruit drink
8-26smoothie-cherry, strawberry, kale, oatmeal, oj, tumeric, 9g collagenL Glutamine, L sinus congest & mild headache, when climb stairs & HR climbs
D, Schicken leg, thigh, broccoli, ice cream w reese’sheadache behind L eye most of day
8-27smoothie-banana mango oatmeal kale 9g collagen oj tumeric gingerstarting to wonder if I have fibromyalgia, L-glutamine, 7″ HIIT elliptical
salad, pork, chicken, black beans, empanadas, eggplant
S, Dice cream
Gcrab cake, salad, 2 pc bread
8-282 coffee, smoothie-banana strawberry kale 9g collagen oatmeal oj tumeric gingerl glutamine
Paleo bar, lots of coffee
G, Ssalad, steak, potato, berry cobbler, few sips of wine
8-29egg, hash brown, grits, fruit, granola
salad w chicken, egg, blue cheese, pea soup, lots of coffee
G, Ssalad, steak, greens, risotto, lemon cake, beet ice cream
2A1 glass red wine, 1 Old Fashioned
8-30egg, hash brown, grits, fruit, granola
salad w salmon, french fries, broccoli
G, S, Dpretzels, nuts, chikfila 3 nuggets, fries, cookies & cream shake
8-313 coffee, smoothie-cherries, pinapple, kale, oatmeal, ginger, tumeric, oj, grapefruit juice, 9g collagen
2 pcs pizza
DQ ice cream blizzard, chocolates, nuts, pretzelswhile driving
shrimp, fried fish

July 2019

July turned out to be a turning point in my battle with Shingles. The Infectious Disease doctor has been the best at slowly getting me healthy. He said the rash under my breasts was actually a very bad candida infection and that I had it in my entire system (including my mouth). I started feeling better within days of starting the medications and have slowly been building my strength. I don’t believe I’ve had a shingles blister since the last 2 bad ones under my breast that cleared up around July 4th.

  • July 2-6 Fluconazole
  • July 2-11 Clotrimazole lozenges
  • July 2-18 Clotrimazole/Betamethazone cream followed by a Nyamyc powder under breasts.
  • July 7 Started Imvexxy. Missed a few doses of starter pack. Started 2x/week pack on July 28th.
  • July 1-Aug 8 Reduced Valcyclovir to 500mg/day
7-1 S, Dleftover salmon, brussel sprouts, israeli couscous, ice cream
honey chicken instant pot, rice, broccolli
7-2egg casserole
can’t remember
2Aleftover salmon, brussel sprouts, israeli couscous, wine
7-3egg casserole, avocadowakeboard!
lasagna, zucchini boats, chicken, can’t remember veggies
3Atequila, lime & topo chico
7-4egg casserole w avocado
veggies, hummus
D, S, Gchicken, mixed veggies, sausage, roast potatoes, apple pie & ice cream
3Awine, tequila drinks
7-5egg, bfast sausage, cheese, salsa taco, watermelon, cherrieswakeboard!
brisket, salad, caprese, apple pie & ice cream
7-6egg, avocado, salsa taco
apple crisp & ice cream
caprese, broccolli, green beans, hummus, apple crisp
7-7scrambled eggs w veggies & sausage, watermelon, cherries
finished apple crisp! probably 2 cups total
grilled chicken leg, green beans, broccoli,
2AGin&soda, tequila, cheddar skinny pop
7-83 coffee, ?
?Agrilled chicken, okra, cucumbers, tequila drinks
7-9eggs, sausage, fruitwakeboard!
?A, Gboat day-grapefruit beer, hard seltzer, sandwich, chips
?Asausage, potato, okra, brussel sprouts, tequila
7-10eggs, sausage, fruit
4ASol Luna, 2 chispas
7-11eggs, sausage, fruitFrio
sandwich stuff?
fried fish, potatoes, onion rings, cucumber, spicy tequila
7-12eggs, sausage, fruitFrio
3A, G, Shard seltzer on water, coldcuts on lettuce, 2 monster cookies
2A, G, SFajita salad, spicy tequila, wedding cake
7-13fruit, Costco Aussie bitesFrio
3A, G, Shard seltzer on water, coldcuts on lettuce, 3 monster cookies
2A, Dsteak, salmon, squash, cucumber, tomato caprese, margaritas, cookie cake
7-14fruit, breadsFrio
3A, G, Shard seltzer on water, sandwich on lettuce, coconut cooke, wedding cake
5Agrilled chicken, cucumber, spinach-tomato, gin, 4 wine
7-15fruit, Costco Aussie bitesFrio, PsA-hands hurt
romaine w tomato, cheese, black forest ham
S, 2Acoconut cookie, 2 red wine30 lap swim, 300 yd
7-162 coffee, blueberries, cherries, green tea, tomato & cheese, popcorn, cashewsPsA-hands hurt
G, Sschlotzsky’s sandwich, salad, chips, 3 chocolates, 1 coconut cookieno self control right now
3Alamb, squash, tomatoes, popcorn, 3 red wine
7-17Smoothie-pear, plum, oatmeal, 18g collagen, acai, oj, tumericL-Glutamine
2A2 rose, tuna sashimi, grilled octopus, potatoes, short rib veggie w noodles36 lap swim, 360 yds per fitbit
7-18broccolli, ham, bone broth soupPilates class
2 tomatoes w vinegar, oil, parmesan, basil. banana w almond butter
2A2 red wine, skinny pop cheddar popcornpopcorn upset my stomach
7-19smoothie-banana, plums, 9 g collagen, moringa, oatmeal, oj, acai, tumeric
2 tomatoes w vinegar, oil, parmesan, basilSwim 30 laps, 300 yds per fitbit
4Ashrimp w sauce, half burger, fries, cream cheese beignet, G&T, Martini, 2 red wine
7-203 coffee, smoothie-pineapple, plum, grapes, moringa, 9g collagen
2 eggs, 1 tomatoswam 32 laps, 320 yds
3AMargarita, 2 chardonnay
3 “sushi” rolls. Uni, Negi-hama, shrimp/scallop
7-213 coffee
huge 3 egg omelette w bacon, broccoli, carrot, onion, garlic.
2Alarge pork chop ~12 oz, new potatoes w butter, squash ribbons w tomato, basil, onion, garlic & cream, 2 margarita
7-223 coffee
squash, basil, tomato w cream over arugula & 2 fried eggs, mint ice cream, lemon cookies, banana w almond butter50″ Pilates class, sweet food cravings
2Alamb, buttered potatoes, broccoli, 2 red wine
7-23egg casserole, 1 tomato
Indian buffet-gorgedswim, 32 laps, 330 yds
3A3 red wine, 4 cups skinny pop cheddarVery weak will power these days.
7-243 coffee, 1 orange, smoothie-pineapple kale oatmeal, 18g collagen
squash basil tomato cream with arugula
S, G8 Biscoff cookiessugar cravings out of control!
6A1 bottle Kombucha, 1 entire bottle-Gruner Veltliner white wine.
3 pcs pizza, eggplant parm, pasta, salad
7-253 coffee, smoothie-pineapple grape plum kale 9 g collagenbad night sweats
tuna sashimi tostado, 1 broiled oyster, 1 beef carpacio toast, caesar, halibut, bok choy, mushrooms in miso
7 A3 white, 2 red, 2 dessert wine
7-26squash basil tomato cream with arugula, egg casserole squarebad night sweats, hot flashes with sweating during day
5Aburgers, various salads, margaritas, wine
7-273 coffee, 2 egg, sausage tacos, cherries, cantaloupe
8A5 or 6 crab, 4 french 75, 4-5 red winegot bad drunk, should have eaten more
7-281 egg, sausage, cheese, tacobad headache
open face pimento cheese, Haagen Dasz ice cream barswam 320 yards
cauliflower, broccoli, kale, cilantro, pumpkin seed, tumeric, coriander, cumin salad, small amt mango
7-29Paleo bar, apple, peanut butter bar
No AThai eggplant w chickenwalked 7 miles, 3-4 my normal
D, Sice cream
7-302 coffee, eggs, 2 toast w honey
No Acaesar salad w chicken
nut crusted pork loin over spinach, brussel sprouts in soy, steamed green beanswalked 7 miles
7-312 coffee, eggs, 2 toast w honeynoticed hands less swollen
chik fil a market salad w chickenwalked 7 miles
2AFrutti de mare over veggies, 2 red winehands hurt immediately

June 2019

I don’t know if I have my husband’s cold or if these are Disseminated Zoster symptoms but I am starting June extremely tired, with a wicked sore throat, sinus drainage, plugged left ear. The Infectious Disease doctor suggested I try coconut oil, and colloidal silver on my throat for a few days and if it doesn’t get better then start an antibiotic. He also has me weaning OFF the valcyclovir but my blisters are getting worse!

June 1-? Very bad sore throat, left ear feels like I have water in it, and now the added sinus drainage, which may mean I have my husband’s cold. The ear & throat symptoms were there before my husband’s cold.

  • Not sure exactly when it happened, but night sweats have lessened.
  • June 1-3 Eight blisters
  • June 1 Started trying to meditate via method in Stress Less Accomplish More by Emily Fletcher.
  • June 4 blisters fading
  • June 6 Nine blisters! Started Provigil, CBD oil for fatigue & pain.
  • June 6-19 Two 1gm Valcyclovir/day instead of 3. Bloodwork showed potential impact on my liver from anti-viral so I need to reduce dosage even though I’m not clear of the disease.
  • June 8-12 Z pak for potential Strep Throat. Not sure it is working. Throat worse on 6/9.
  • June 8 Started Zinc Sulfate cream on large surface of body. Both for Disseminated Zoster & for Psoriasis. Hurts in genital area. Burns on face.
  • June 10 Blisters are continuing to surface. Now on chin, neck, stomach, between breasts, groin.
  • June 13 Very sad, irritable, very negative self talk for 2 days. Stopped Provigil & CBD oil
  • June 12-17 Horrible scaly rash around mouth & circles on face that may be psoriasis? But I’ve never had on my face. Zinc Sulfate may have made Psoriasis crust over? But the area around my mouth seems more associated with the sores in my mouth. My saliva seems to be irritating my skin in the corners of my mouth & it is scaling & scabbing over. No amount of moisturizer seems to be able to help.
  • June 17 Small blisters are still popping up next to the existing blisters. Zinc Sulfate cream makes the existing blisters harder, but I’m optimistic it may be containing the blisters to the general area under & between my breasts (an upside down T). One may be appearing on my neck right now.
  • June 14-21(add final end date when scabs fall off)…Two Large blisters under my right breast have had a scab since June 14th, they hurt and are red all around the blister. They might be infected, but I can’t figure out why the scab will not fall off. This is not the same as previous blisters. I’m keeping cotton under my breast and continuing to apply the Zinc Sulfate cream.
  • June 20-July 1 One 1gm Valcyclovir/day
6-1fruit, coffee
egg, sausage, potato
4Agin/grapefruit drink
steak, potato, salad, saute veggies, wedding cake
6-2eggs, coffee, fruit, cake
potato, saute’d veggies, salad, crab saladbad sore throat
2Asteak, potato, salad, 2 wine
6-3eggs, coffee, banana
Ssalad w avocado, cake
6-42 coffee, 2 eggs, pepper, spinach, broccoli, onion, garlic sauteL-Glutamine, meditate, yoga
Scake, grapefruit, zone bar
bbq, roasted potatoes, caesar, saute’d peppers
6-5moussaka, greek salad, 1/2 pita
mango, nuts
S, 3Alasagna, caesar, cake, 3 wine
6-6egg casserole w avocadostarted colloidal silver & 1/4 provigil
guac, chips, strawberriesthroat bad
3Acarpaccio, sole, potato, carrot, broccoli, creme brulee, g&t, 2-3 winedrainage worse, fatigue
6-72 coffee, egg casserole, avocado, salsaL-glutamine, diatomacious earth, liquid tumeric
strawberries1/4 provigil
4Aduck, sausage, potato, green beans, wines
6-8spinach, banana, oj, collagen, muringa powder smoothiestarted Azithromycin, bad diarrhea
scalloped potatoes & butternutNo provigil
3Acrab stuffed snapper over spinach, butter sauce, 3 wine
6-9scalloped potatoes & butternut, spinachdiarrhea causing hemorrhoids, took anti-diarrheal
cheese, peppers, hummus, kombuchaNo provigil
no A!leftover lettuce wrap w rice
S,Dice cream
6-102 coffee, spinach, oatmeal, collagen, moringa powder, banana smoothiebad pain left back throat/mouth pain, 1/2 Provigil
sausage, potato, broccolihorrible hemorrhoid pain
No Abroccoli soup, ice cream
6-112 coffee, spinach, banana, oj, collagen, moringa powder smoothiethroat may be slightly better but still spots
spinach, leftover crab & snapper
No A1 shrimp taco & beans
6-124 coffee, bacon egg tacobad throat, fatigue, last Zpak pill
shrimp taco, spinach, half avocado
1Acharcuterie tray, maybe 1 glass wine
6-13banana, spinach, collagen, moringa powder, oatmeal smoothie
blueberries, kefir, grapefruit
3 raw oysters, 4 fried oysters, fried snapper cheeks
6-142 coffee, egg casserole, avocado, strawberries
crab stuffed mushroom, beef tenderloin, green beans almondine, scalloped potatoesscaly rash around mouth horrible
4 A2 G&T, 2 red
6-152 coffee, poached egg on english muffin w peppercorn saucefelt slightly better!
sweet potato chip snack
3Alamb, snap pea arugala salad, asparagus, israeli couscous, scallop potatoes, G&T & 2 red wine
6-162 coffee, quiche, mango, blueberries
1Achispa margarita, lobster enchiladas, sauted vegetables
6-17mango, blueberry, kefir, collagenthroat spots gone, but still hurts under tongue
quiche?, peach
2Arose wine, albarino wine, shrimp kung pao, dumplingsvery long meditation at dr office
6-182 coffee, quiche, avocado, salsasinus drainage bad
2 salads, israeli couscous, leftover kung pao
No A!mint ice cream, peach
6-192 coffee quiche, salsa, mango, blueberries
broccoli, bone broth, beans, mint ice cream
carpaccio, eggplant parm w artichokes, beans
6-202 coffeeonly 1 valcyclovir!
S, Gzoe’s chicken, veggies, salad, cookie
S, Ghummus, veggie, orzo, banana pudding, 2 cookies
2Akombucha, 3 small reece’s, fruit, nuts, 2 jello shots
6-212 coffee, quiche
Cheese, nuts
3A3 wine, oysters raw & charbroiled, ossobuco ravioli, grilled octopus,
6-222 coffee, quicheDrainage
Chicken strips, kombucha
No AChicken pot pie, salad, banana, strawberries
6-23Fruit, 2 eggsHeadache
Caesar salad, student union sushi
2AChicken fajita peppers onions, tortilla chips, salsa, vodka drinks, Bad sinus drainage, 2 blisters on groin
6-24Banana, 2 coffeeSinus drainage bad
Chicken strips, coleslaw, biscuit
No Asnack?
6-25eggs, bacon, tomatofatigue
pear, blueberry crumble
4Asashimi plate, fried fish, sauted sweet pea greens, sake, 3 wine
6-26chicken, beef kabob, pita bread, hummusCT w contrast, bad drainage
S, G2 choc chip cookies, 2 reeses
No Aisraeli couscous w arugula & asparagus, 1/2 c mint ice cream
6-27caesar salad w chicken, 2 cookies
hamburger, fries, cheese, fried okra, brussel sprouts
5 A2 grapefruit beer, 1 G&T, 3 wine
6-28veggie, sausage quiche, fruit, yogurt
2Asalmon, brussel sprouts, israeli couscous, 2 wine
6-29egg casserole
PeiWei cauliflower chicken stir fry
5 Asalad, pizza, charcuterie, cauliflower, G&T, 4 wine
6-30eggs, sausage, tomatoes, fruit, yogurt
3A, S, GOverate! chips, queso, guac, beans, fajita meat, cake pops, pie, 3 sangria

May 2019

I’m afraid my Psoriatic Arthritis is becoming a secondary problem. The Disseminated Zoster will not go away. I was only off the anti-virals for 7 days. Disseminated Zoster symptoms are worse than PsA. Primarily because I am like a leper. I don’t want to touch babies or get too close to anyone I know that could catch this, including my parents! I have waves of feeling like I’m coming down with the flu and the spots itch and ooze. I’m struggling with feelings of helplessness and desperation right now. I don’t know what to do. I saw an infectious disease doctor on May 10th and he gave me a bit of optimism about overcoming this. He mostly prescribed supplements (see notes under May 2019 of my Medication Diary for details) to help me fight it and to keep my PsA in check while my immune system gets strong enough to beat the Disseminated Zoster.

  • May 3 Twelve blisters, center of back, high. Tender spot on head but not large bump like before.
  • May 4 another new one but on right breast
  • May 3 Continuing antiviral
  • May 5 More blisters under breasts, center back consistent
  • May 6 Spot on throat behind L thyroid hurting, some sinus drainage
  • May 9 Lymph node on L swollen and tender.
  • May 9 Possible Lichen Sclerosus spot on vagina, need punch biopsy. Shave biopsy did not provide enough material.
  • May 11 Throat pain last 6 days pretty bad.
  • May 13 Fatigue. Vaginal biopsy & stitch (which came out in 1 day) but biopsy spot healed well.
  • May 15 Blister on lip and finger
  • Mid-may The night sweats are not just at night. It happens constantly throughout the day. Not a hot flash like when I was going through menopause. My entire body sweats from tips of toes to top of head and it lasts for several minutes. I can’t get dressed, fix my hair, put on make-up or even my clothes until it not only passes but I dry off.
  • May 21 Blister on lip and groin
  • May 25 Spouse gets some sort of bad cold. Biopsy showed simple ulcer on vagina, probably from psoriasis or a blister, not lichen sclerosus.
  • May 25 Possibly no active blisters?
  • May 27-29 Maybe 1 small blister?
  • May 29 Sore throat starting again, left ear stopped up
  • May 30-31 Three blisters, sleeping in different room and night sweats not as bad. Use a ceiling fan and can roll to cool spot in bed when the hot flash starts.
5-13 coffee20″ yoga
S, Gzoe’s chicken, beef, salad, small piece chocolate cake
S, G, 3Abrisket, salads, pecan pie, apple pie, 3 wine
5-2oatmeal, yogurt, fruit20″ yoga
salad w beets, zucchini, peppers
G, Stastes thru Costco
G, S, 4ATenderloin, salads, orzo, berry crumble w ice cream, 4 wine
5-3oatmeal, yogurt, fruit12 blisters on back
bbq turkey, carrots, blanced green beans
S, ?10 lemoncello almonds
3Abbq turkey on potato, green beans, 3 wine
5-43 coffeenew blister on R breast
chick fil a cobb salad w grilled chicken20″ yoga
S, chemicalslemoncello almonds
3A, S, Glettuce, beef, beans, cheese, guacamole, tortilla chips, 2 margaritas, 1 beer, 1 cookie
5-52 coffee
Japanese grill veggies, shrimp, scallop, small amt riceslight sore throat in same spot as b4
3Abbq turkey, okra, squash, 3 G&Tnew blisters under breast both side, center back
5-62 coffees, 1/2 c blueberries, 1/2 c chobani yogurtnew blisters on face & more under breasts!
kale salad w pecans and yogurt dressing20″ yoga
3Alamb, broccoli, kale salad, potatoes, 3 wine
5-7spinach, mushroom, garlic, onion & 2 eggs20″ yoga
1A, Gbeef, pork, quesadilla, guac, tortilla chips, margarita
5-8bacon egg tacothroat much worse
G, Sspinach salad, pasta, fruit, 3 choc chip cookies
5Acarpaccio, eggplant parm, 5 wine
5-93 coffee, L Glutamine
steamed broccoli, 2 whole deviled eggs1.5 hr nap
S, No Alamb, broccoli, green beans, beets, small chocolate
5-103 coffeevery groggy & disoriented
2 eggs w carrot, pepper, onion, garlic, spinach, few green beans, 1/2 avocadoSaw I.D. doc & gave me lots of supplements. Phaseing in.
No A, Sroast chicken thigh, potato w butter, grilled 1/2 romaine salad w goat cheese, chocolateTumeric, Lysine
20″ yoga
5-113 coffee, egg casserole, oatmeal w yogurt & blueberriesPycnogenol, hair/skin/nails, methyl folate
turkey, sweet potato, green beans, broccoli20″ yoga
pepper, cucumber, nuts, ham, cheese lettuce, desserts, lemoncello almonds
5A4 gin & tonic, cheap champagne
5-12tortilla chips w ham/cheese, beans, guac, tomatoes at moms
S, G, 3Asteak, potato, brussel sprouts, 3 wine, orange tart w whip cream
5-133 coffee20″ yoga
G, Schicken, potato, mixed veggies, 2 sugar cookiespunch biopsy for lichen sclerosus
2 coffeevery fatigued
2Aminimal leftovers, wine
5-143 coffee, egg casserole, avocado20″ walk
banana, berry, oatmeal, OJ, Grapefruit juice smoothie w collagen & yogurt
2Alobster enchiladas, sauted veggies, plantains, 2 tequila/lime drinks
5-15egg casserole, avocado, salsablister on lip & R index finger
leftover chicken, brussel sprouts, broccoli, potato20″ yoga
2ATsukemen, 2 wine
5-16egg casserole, avocado, salsa
chicken, sweet potato, green beans
S, 2Abeef stew, potato, green beans, 2 cookies, 2 Old Fashioned’s
5-17egg casserole, salsa
roast chicken, potatoes, green beans
G, 3A, S3 margaritas, mexican appys-beans, cheese, chips, guacdrank too much!
2Achips & 2 wine w TVup too late drinking!
5-18egg casserole w salsa20″ yoga
3Afajita, 2 margaritas & wine
5-19eggs, veggies, bacon
No alcohol!brownie, snack for dinner
5-20, No Acan’t remember but good20″ yoga
5-21can’t remember but pretty good30″ walk
2Alobster enchiladas, 2 chispas
2 cookies
No Abrisket, ribs, scallop potatoes, asparagusstayed up until 4am w graduates
5-23quiche30″ walk
No Abrisket, ribs, scallop potatoes, asparagusleft side pain
5-24quiche, kale smoothieleft side pain
Savocado, chips, cake
5-25avocado pepper omlettealeve to break pain cycle. Maybe no active blisters
5A2 g&t, 3 tequila, 3 pork tacos
5-26kale banana smoothie, small quiche2 blisters under L breast, 1 on chin
turkey, beef bbq, mac/cheese, fried okra
2Abroccoli, small amt bbq, 2 wine
5-27quiche, avocado, strawberries, blueberries & yogurtmuscles very sore-neck, shoulders, back
3Amango salsa, guac & chips, 3 wine20″ yoga
5-28quiche & avocado20″ yoga
yogurt w pear/blueberry crisp, collagen
3Aqueso, chips, 2 french 75 & 1 wine
5-29leftovers-lamb, beef, cauliflower, sweet potatosore throat seems worse when I wake, L ear stopped up
yogurt w pear/blueberry crisp20″ yoga
4 wine, chips & guac
5-30banana kale collagen smoothie
cucumber, snap peas, strawberries, 3 chicken strips
G, 3Arose prosecco, sandwiches
5-31coffee, fruit
Swilted chard, pasta-zucchini mix, pecan cake/cookies
3Awine, salad, spaghetti

April 2019

See March for the background, but I am on antivirals for Disseminated Zoster. The disease probably became active because of my suppressed immune system on the Taltz (Nov 15-Feb 15). I stopped Taltz and all supplements Mar 18th except iron. I have a theory that when my body is healing or fighting an infection, my PsA symptoms subside. That has proven true in this case. Since I stopped the Taltz (Feb 15 last dose) I have not had PsA symptoms, but I’ve felt like I have the flu from the Disseminated Zoster. I have been on antivirals for 1 week and on Apr 16th my feet hurt when I tried to run. Woke Apr 17th with the swollen pressure feeling in my hands, feet, and legs. I’m not sure when I may restart Taltz because I need to heal completely from the Disseminated Zoster first. I keep thinking of my grandfather and my mom, who not only lived with this disease but farmed and worked the land with these pains their entire life. I can do this.

AND, I just heard that I DO have a UTI but the bacteria is resistant to the Bactrim that I was taking. So now I must take a regimen of Augmentin. Will start on April 17th.

As an aside, my 17-year-old son went for a 4 mile run yesterday for the first time ever. I was surprised and he said, “Mom, the Humira is working, my legs didn’t hurt.”

  • Apr 2 resting heart rate maintaining in mid-80’s
  • Apr 2 Night sweats continuous throughout this experience.
  • Left thyroid started growing in January or February and went down while on Amoxicillin. Right nodule was slightly tender during that time but not noticeably larger until after left shrunk. It was getting bigger but now (4/2/19) seems to be getting smaller.
  • Apr 7 tried AZO for bladder. Gave me gas, nausea and diarrhea.
  • Apr 10 started Antiviral for Disseminated Zoster-finally found the right diagnosis
  • Resting heart rate was 96 at highest and is now back to 70 bpm.
  • Apr 12 Started eating fish again now that thyroid down.
  • Apr 16 Felt like PsA flare-hands, feet, shins
  • Apr 18 Started Augmentin for UTI, Urinalysis showed bacteria resistant to Bactrim
  • Apr 19 Finished Anti-viral
  • Apr 22 My hands and feet were very swollen and muscles were cramping so much my hands would not release and my feet were curling under.
  • Apr 23 Fatigue waves so finally took a 1-hour nap. Small red bump on the chin that could be zoster. One large bump on the back of my head that is only slightly red. Got biopsy of the spot on vagina that wasn’t healing.
  • Apr 23 Resting HR got down to 65 bpm but began going up.
  • Apr 24 Tender bump on the back of my head like previous HZ blister.
  • Apr 25 Couldn’t breath when drank red wine. Stopped
  • Apr 26 Foggy brain, sinus drainage, drank too much.
  • Apr 27 Definite Hz blister under breast, several on back. Restarted Antiviral, Resting HR back up to 70 bpm
  • Apr 29 Hz blister on forehead, dizzy, especially if move head too quickly
  • Apr 30 Seven Hz blisters on my back, VERY dizzy at bedtime.
4-1smoothie banana, cranberries, collagen, moringa powder, OJ
Sturkey, cheese, lettuce, tomato, chips, creme brulee almondscraving sugar-ate almonds
no AVietnamese chicken over lettuce, sprouts, rice noodles
4-2half smoothie w cranberries1 hour cycle class
Sturkey broccoli soup, creme brulee almondscraving sugar
2A2 wine, charcuterieRe-did bloodwork
4-3half smoothie w cranberries7am mtg, but very good REM sleep last night. Bladder pain worse.
chicken thigh, green beans, zucchini, 5 cho covered almonds, 10 choc covered walnutsExtreme hot & cold all day. Tired. Took nap. craving sugar still!
3Apizza, soup, salad, 3 winecould not get oxygen. Sinuses swollen?
4-4L Glutamine, EmergenC, Drank DE just in case a parasite.slept 8+ hrs but only 40″ REM.
bone broth, collagen, broccoli, chicken
baked potato w bbqTired spell around 4
salad, chicken, green beans, zucchini, cranberry juicebladder pressure & pain when stop urinating.
4-52 coffee, smoothie-banana, cranberry, oj, 20g collagen, moringa powderL Glutamine, DE, milk thistle
greens cauliflower broccoli, pumpkin seeds, carrot. Potato w bbq1 hr cycle class
S, 4Asalad, steak, potato, green beans, key lime pie, 2 G&T, 2 wineResting heart rate finally below 80 first time in 9 weeks!
4-6Smoothie w banana, cranberry, collagen, slept well
broccoli turkey soup or leftover venison stir fry
4Ashepherds pie, sausage wraps, 4 winebloodwork still shows infection
4-7chicken crepes, asparagus, tomato, ice creamslept well
No Aleftover chicken thighs & veggiesTried AZO for bladder but felt worse-nausea & diarrhea
4-8smoothie1 hour spin class
broccoli turkey soupTried AZO for bladder but felt worse-nausea & diarrhea
5A5 wine, snack meal-wings, shrimp, peppers, celery, broccoli, pimento cheese, artichoke dip, avocado, chipson feet lots party prep, very tired all day & couldn’t nap
shwarma, broccoli, cauliflower, labna, hummus, garlic, picklesgave me gas!
didn’t eat again
4-10bacon egg taco
3/4 pimento cheese sandwich
3/4 c of stir fry & rice, 1 c mint choc chip ice creamDisseminated Zoster diagnosis, started anti-virals
1Asnacked on roasted veggies, celery w pimento, 1 glass wine
4-11smoothie-banana, berries, oj, oatmeal, moringa, 18g collagenfeeling better, heart rate down to 70!
5 white choc covered almonds
2Acucumber salad, part of whole fried fish, few bites of tempura, hamachi, negihama, unagi, and spicy scallop, 2 wine1st fish since 3/18
whataburger grilled chicken salad & 2 chicken strips
3A3 tequila lime drinks
3Abeef tenderloin, scallop potatoes, green beans, chocolate chip cookies, wine
4-13egg bacon taco
3Aarugula, sausage, tortellini, grapefruit/tequila, lime/tequilabeach all day, drinking lots but slowly
3Acrab cakes, steamed veggies, fried green tomato app, salmon app, 3 red wine
2A2 gin & tonic, late night drink (2am) & potatoescan’t digest if drink late & eat. Vomited the small amt of potato
4-14bacon egg taco, croissants, coffee
broccoli turkey detox soup, avocado & chips
ribs, okra, broccoli, cauliflower, salad
No Aice creamcraving sugar!
4-15smoothie banana, berries, moringa, collagen, oatmeal1 hr spin class
squash, asparagus, okra, 1 beef rib
No Akale sausage salad, artichoke/mayo dip as dressing
4-16strawberries, blueberries, chobani yogurt, 18 g collagenHands, feet & shins hurt, PsA is back as virus recedes
pork butt, kale salad, raw peppers
12 chocolate covered walnuts, pistachios
S, 2A, Dpaloma, wine, veggie, turkey stew, cookies & cream ice cream
4-172 coffee, smoothie-banana, berries, moringa powder, 18g collagen, chia, hemp, yeast, flaxhands, feet hurt when wake.
Yoga-20 minutes
2 coffee, veggie turkey stewI do have UTI but resistant to bactrim, starting Augmentin.
2Abrussel sprouts, bite of mac/cheese appy, potato/parm crusted haddock, broccoli, ice cream dessert, french 75 & pinot grigio
4-18smoothie-papaya, cranberry juice, oj, oatmeal, 9g collagen, moringa powderPsA-hands, feet, ankles hurt all day. Tried magnesium oil
turkey broccoli detox soupYoga-20 minutes
S, Gstir fried veggies, beef, 2 white chocolate macadamia nut cookies
4-19Smoothie-Papaya, cranberry, oatmeal, 9g collagen, moringa powder
turkey broccoli soup
S, Dsavory? then ice cream
4Asalmon, tuna, grilled octopus, noodles w short ribs, 4 drinks
4-20Smoothie-papaya, cranberry, oatmeal, 9g collagen, moringa powder
S, Dbroccoli detox soup, ice cream
4Aleftover noodles & short ribs, 4 white wine
4-21smoothie-papaya, cranberry, OJ, oatmeal, 9g collagen, moringa powder
artichoke soup
10A all daycheese, olives, quail, lamb, scallop potato/butternut, green beans, carrots, grapefruit salad, 8 red wine, 2 champagne
4-22artichoke soup
chicken Caesar salad, probably ice cream
No Alamb, scallop potatoes, carrots
4-23no b’fast, 2 coffeehand pain
turkey soup w collagen & moringa, artichoke soup
ice cream, 2 more coffeemassive fatigue, brain fog, 1 hr nap
3A3 G&T, gala appy’s, beef, veggiessmall possible HZ blister on chin
4-244 coffee
broccoli soup, poblano corn soup w collagen & moringabiopsy of vaginal ulcer
3Achopped salad, eggplant Parmesan, 3 G&Tpossible new HZ blister on head
4-25grapefruit, nutsfood w augmentin
leftover chopped salad w ham
2Aeggplant parmesan @ Maggiano’s, didn’t eat the pasta, G&T and a red winegot stopped up with red wine like in February so stopped
4-262 coffee, grapefruit w antibioticfoggy brain, sinus drainage. Finished Augmentin
lamb, carrots, artichoke soupmoved compost, yoga
8Arose all day! zucchini in basil cream saucedrank all day. Way too much
4-27coffee, 2 eggs over veggies, avocadospots recurring. restarted antiviral
4 shrimp, avocado, crawfish queso, chips
3AG&T, 2 red wine, healthy taps-veggies, pork, liver pate, beets, broccoli
4-283 coffee
Sgrapefruit, ham, lemoncello chocolate almondsAleve for hand, wrist pain
2ATequila, lime, topochico, 2 shrimp tacos w beans and veggies, red wine
4-293 coffeeAleve
artichoke soup, broccoli soup, hamHz blister on forehead, dizziness all day
2Abeets, goat cheese, broccoli, ham, 2 wine
4-302 coffee, grapefruit, mangowoke easier, hand pain less
S, Dthai butternut squash soup, 2 cups! coconut almond ice cream7-8 blisters on my back
2Apotato w bbq & broccoli, 2 wineVERY dizzy at bedtime

March 2019

This has been a rough month and I just don’t understand why I keep experiencing setbacks. I keep wondering what God is trying to tell me! Read February for the background. I am fairly confident I do not have cancer in my thyroid. My bloodwork from March 8th shows very high CRP and Sed Rate, which indicates an infection. My TSH is almost non-existent and my T4 is high, which implies Graves disease. But some of my symptoms make my endocrinologist hesitate to prescribe beta blockers and a steroid so she sent me to an ENT. He said my throat looks like I have acid reflux (which I don’t) and he prescribed amoxicillin just in case I got a gram-positive infection from the fine needle biopsy. He said to give it 1 week and if it isn’t better we will do a CAT scan of my neck. The Amoxicillin did stop the intense throat pain and shrink my left thyroid. However, as I finished it, the right central thyroid nodule started growing. At the same time, the red spots that had mostly been showing up as one or two on my chin, head or breast began to proliferate all across my torso, groin, scalp and even in my ears. I showed my GP the rash and he recommended some crazy things like Pepcid AC and Zyrtec to block ALL my histamines and make sure it wasn’t allergies. He wanted me to wash my hair with RID in case it was lice and he even asked me if I got into red ants. Seriously! It did look like red ant bites, but all over! It looked like the chicken pox. Then 2-3 days after the Amoxicillin, I woke with the worst urge to pee and pain when I did. I had not had a bladder infection in 20 years but I was pretty sure that was what was going on. I left a urine sample that didn’t look so great so they started me on Bactrim. It might have been a coincidence, but while on the Bactrim, the right thyroid nodule gradually got smaller. The rash was not slowing down so I finally saw my dermatologist and she tested for yeast, fungus, virus and ultimately did a biopsy which definitely diagnosed Disseminated Zoster. I started Antivirals on April 10th and am beginning to feel like a new person.

Here’s how the symptoms progressed.

  • Sept 2018 dark skin blotches on breast near armpit and under the breast
  • Nov-Dec 2018 some sort of cold
  • Jan 2019 Neck tender to the touch.
  • Feb 2019 Sinuses blocked but not congested
  • Red skin bumps on torso, breasts, chin, and nose
  • Exhausted. Low back pain was a constant but not sure when started. I know it stopped by mid-March 8.
  • Resting heart rate rising from 70’s in late January to high 90’s in mid-March!
  • Headaches when waking
  • Mar 2019 Throat sore on inside getting progressively worse
  • Cough developed
  • Absolute exhaustion by Mar 17-20. Sleeping lots.
  • Mar 18 started antibiotics-accidentally started at half dose, full dose Mar 21 pm.
  • Mar 20 throat pain slightly better but drainage worse. Feels like a cold again, new skin bumps on face, neck, head, chest.
  • Mar 21 Resting heart rate dropped from 96 bpm on Mar 13 to 82 bpm.
  • Mar 22 sinuses stopping up again
  • Mar 23 woke with a headache and low back pain again
  • Mar 24 rash worse on torso, upper back started mid-day, heartrate slightly higher.
  • Mar 25 woke w headache
  • Mar 25-28 Pepcid AC & Zyrtec to block histamines (see if clears rash)
  • Mar 26 Finished Amoxicillin. Left thyroid gradually decreased on Amoxicillin but right nodule grew larger thru ~Mar 28.
  • Mar 28-Apr 2 rash on upper back itch & bumps popping. Rash on torso slowly spreading to breasts.
  • Mar 29 very painful UTI wiped me out, no energy for day. I know I had vaginal ulcer at this point because I was afraid to have sex AND I knew that sex did not cause the ulcer.
  • Mar 29-Apr 7 Bactrim for UTI.
  • Resting heart rate was 96 at highest and as of Mar 30 staying around 85-87 bpm
whataburger chicken salad
No Asalad, pasta beef bake
salad, lasagna
No Achicken fingers, potatoes, cole slaw, salad
horrible coldcuts, cheese, lettuce, tomato, chicken salad on white bread
No Afrench fries, banana
3-42 tacos, egg, chorizo, beans, potato, cheesethyroid biopsy
No Amisc. chocolatesFlu like aches, Left lymph node swollen
3-5 G, Ssalads, chicken, veggies, 3 cookiesBad headache
chicken, broccoli, asparagus, rice
2A2 Old Fashions
3-6bacon egg taco
chicken, asparagus, rice
A, G, Ssalad w nuts/cranberries, butternut squash soup, asparagus, salmon, steak, potato, cakes, tequila cocktailOnly 1 drink!
3-7egg casserole, avocado
ASushi, sake?couldn’t finish food
3-8fast for bloodworkbloodwork
light lunchpilates
1Aprotein, veggie, G&T
3-9zone bar, banana, nuts4am at airport
S, G, Amojito, tequila drinks, fish tacos
10A all day?habachi grill, wine
3-10?beach walk
fish tacos, tequila drinks
10A, S, Glamb chops, misc appys, winetired, can’t breath, throat hurts
3-11eggs benedictsnorkeling for exercise
fish tacos on lettuce
10A, S, Ggrouper in tomato sauce, wine, scotch
3-12fruit, granola
ceviche bar
10A, S, Gmexican buffet, drinks all daydessert daily last 4 days
3-131 egg benedict, fruit
burger & fries
2Asushi, sake
3-14eggs benedict w spinach & tomato
Gcuban burger, sandwich, nachos
4AOysters, Mussels, red wine
3-15yogurt, fruit, granola, muffins
2ATom Kai Gai, Sushi, sake
3-16yogurt, fruit, granola
G, S, 2Acaesar w fried shrimp, 2 key lime drinks
1ACarrot soup, shrimp, Old Fashionednausea, exhausted
3-17bread, banananight sweats bad last night
No A!Green Curry w grouper, green teaslept 1-2 hr in car, slept 2 hrs on plane, coughed all night
3-18coffee, apple, zone barEndocrinologist appt
carrot soup with spinachENT appt, started amoxicillin
S, No Amisc canned soups-poblano corn & veggie, choc covered nuts, chocolate trufflestook sleeping pill & slept 9 hours
3-19coffee, banana, almond buttervery tired
mushroom soup, veggie soup, poblano corn soup2 hour nap
S, No Agreen curry soup w potato, pork, venison, broccoli, slice of cakegoing to avoid iodone
3-20coffeemay be slightly better! slept 9 hours
green curry soup, drinking green tea w ginger & tumeric all dayL Glutamine
banana w almond butterEmergen C
coffee to keep my energy upno nap today
No Asmall amount of green curry soup
3-212 coffeezinc, amoxicillin
Emergen C, Suja mighty dozen juice, kombuchairon, aleve
Green curry soup
banana w almond butter, green tea w tumeric and ginger
2Asalad, fruit, 2 gin cocktails
3-222 coffeeamoxicillin, zinc
Emergen C, milk thistle, NAClong walk
Sgreen curry soup, taste of lemon cake
1Agrilled poblano stuffed with veggies & cheese chunks, 1 tequila cocktails
3-233 coffee, Fresh OJ, amoxicillin, zincheadache, no poop. unusual for me, maybe because 2 iron/day last few days
Emergen C, milk thistle, green curry soup
4Asalmon appy, green beans, potatoes, shortribs, carrot cake, lemon cake, 4 winesinuses stopped up, very tired
3-242 coffee, oatmeal, craisins, blueberries, tart cherries, almonds, coconut milkrash much worse, 14″ REM sleep all night! milk thistle, L glutamine, probiotic, Amoxicillin
Emergen C, OJ, lemon cake, banana w almond butterrash on upper back started
No Acashews, almonds, suju juiceamoxicillin
3-252 coffee, oatmeal, craisins, blueberries, tart cherries, almonds, coconut milkamoxicillin, L glutamine, probiotic, zinc
green curry soup, added broccoli, collagen & Moringa powder, slice of lemon cake
No Asalad w broccoli, squash, radish, pumpkin seedsPepcid AC & Zyrtec in case rash is from allergy
3-26oatmeal, banana, spinach, collagen, moringa powder, tart cherries, ojamoxicillin, L Glutamine
salad w olives, ham, cheese-blick
No Athigh, asparagus, kale salad, 1/3 avocadopepcid ac & zyrtec
3-272 coffee, oatmeal, banana, collagen, moringa powder, wild frozen berriespepcid ac, amoxicillin-last dose, L Glutamin, EmergenC
Broccoli, turkey, rutabaga, cilantro, tumeric, ginger soup
3A, S, Dbibb salad, duck over sweet potato puree, ice cream, prosecco & 2 red
3-282 coffee, oatmeal, banana, cherries, collagen, moringa powder, OJpepcid AC, Zyrtec, L Glutamine, EmergenC
creme brulee almonds
Broccoli turkey soup…Pepcid AC & Zyrtec
S, D1/2 c intense chocolate ice cream
3-292 coffee, cranberry juice, smoothie w fresh cranberries2am chills & realized I have UTI. Soaked in tub for 2 hours in middle of night & drank as much water as possible
3Ashort ribs, potato, cauliflower, brussels, fries, whiskey cocktail, 2 red wineexhausted all day. Started Bactrim 5pm & 11pm
3-30Starbucks Sous Vide eggs, coffeeWoke 2am nauseous. Pee hurts, drink water, BM of undigested short ribs
Pad Kai Gai soupBactrim 11am, Align 3pm. Stomach rumbling when food in it.
5A, S, Gsteak, potato, carrot, Key Lime tart, 2 G&T, 2 wine, 1 french 752 Align spaced thru out day
3-31Smoothie?No BM
2ABBQ, Smoked Turkey, creamed corn, taste of Mac & Cheese, 2 G&T

February 2019

On the one hand, I have turned a corner. I am exercising and have even begun to run in short bursts. On the other hand, I have a small problem that has grown throughout this month and by the 20th was freaking me out. My left thyroid area was tender to the touch, but only on the outside, not inside my throat. So many people around me were struggling with allergies and when I would mention it, my spouse would tell me I was just not used to having allergies. So I felt like a hypochondriac and tried to carry on. But by the end of February, I was having waves of exhaustion late in the evening. My sinuses would stop up suddenly, but it wasn’t from congestion, it was more like they were just swollen and I could not breathe through them. The neck tenderness got bad enough to push me into action and I saw my doctor on the 25th. I knew I was going to be out of town for a week in March and began to want some answers before that trip. I had an ultrasound on the 25th that showed my entire left thyroid was very large, almost 5 cm. And all the nodules on my right thyroid were also larger than before. One had microcalcifications so they ordered a biopsy, which I did on March 4th. I was very concerned that it might be cancer as fast as it was growing. This change happened in less than 2 months. The biopsy came back negative for cancer but suggested something like Hashimotos, Graves or Thyroiditis.

2-1egg casserole
navy bean soup
chocolates, red wine
5Apotato sausage kale soup, chicken dumpling soup
2-2egg casserole, pigs in blanket, fruit, cinnamon roll, chicken salad on lettuce50″ walk
4Aleftover soups, red wine
2-3banana, apple
2 egg potato tacos
1Asalmon, quinoa, asparagus, 1 Rose30″ walk
2-43 coffeesstretch
Ssalad, chicken, potato, broccolini, mouse
2Asalad greens, cauliflower, gyro meat, 2 rose
2-52 coffeeyard work
3Asalad, chicken pot pie, strawberry cake, 3 mimosas30″ walk
kale salad, 1 wine
2-6egg casserole, avocado, tomatomilk thistle, NAC
5A, Gfrench 75, white wine, oysters, beef tartar, scallops, greens, spinach souffle in cream sauce
2-7coffee, banana collagen small smoothie1 hr cycle class
chicken salad sandwich on white bread, chipslittle gas
pork, asparaguswalk dog
quina, black bean, cauliflower stems, squash
pecan pie cups
3Ared wine, steak, potato, asparagus, kale salad
2-93 coffee, egg casserole, tomato pesto, asparguswalk dog
S, Gpecan pie cups
7Abranzino, taste of lots of veggies, 3 G&T, 4 red
2-10poached eggs over greens with hash browns
NO A!pasta carbonara-lots of fat, bacon, richwalk dog
2-11kale salad w sausage, pine nuts, parmesan
1Apork roast, potatoes, asparagus, 1 wine
navy bean soup & Suja green drink
Sice cream, almonds
No A!salad, mixed veggies, gyro meat, lindt truffleheadache overnight
2-136 coffees! bacon egg taco with tortillaHaven’t been noting coffees & drinking too much again!
egg casserole, tomato, avocado
creme brulee almonds–lots, 1/2 cup?
7A5 rose, 2 red, pate on crackers, strawberry cakeheaddache 3:30am
2-143 coffeeswalk dog
grouper, mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli, cauliflower, carrot
2 lindt truffles, 2 chai tea
1 tomato meatball, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, tomatoes
2-152 barsup at 4, 6am flight
2Agrilled octopus, risotto, wine
15ABest meal of my entire life at one of world’s best restaurants with wine pairings
2-16eggs, bacon, fruit
3Awine tasting
1Amushroom soup, burger, 1 glass wine
2Awine tasting
2Apasta w shrimp, bread, small salad, winetoo much white carbs!
2-17eggs, fruit, baconbad sleep, massive sweat
3Awine tasting, charcuterie, pizza
5A2 wine tastings
2Asteak, potato, asparagus, 2 wine
2-18eggs, bacon, fruit
1Atuna sandwich, bloody mary
2A2 Manhattan’s
2-193 coffee
banana, 1 tbsp almond butter
G2 tea, broccoli, pasta venison baketummy rumbly
S2 lindt
G, 3Abroccoli, pasta bake, 2 wine, 1 baileys
2-20Shrimp taco, fried avocado taco
5A, G, SG&T, tastes of 10 things but not too bad, 4 red, dessert tasting
2-21suju green juice, nutsbad sleep, massive sweat
G, Sveggies, salad, tomato basil soup, 2 cookies
S, G, No Achicken, green beans, mini bundt cakeneck VERY tender. Felt awful!
2-22suju green juice, banana, blueberriesbad sleep, massive sweat
egg casserole-tomato, cauliflower, broccoli, onion, avocado1 hr cycling class
S, G, No Asalad w fried chicken bits on top, part of a milkshake
2-232 clementinesdidn’t sweat much
taco meat, lettuce, tomato, avocado, tostado chip-(corn?)walk dog
3A, Ggumbo, fried shrimp, crawfish, 2 vodka sodas, fireball
2-24eggs florentinedidn’t sweat much
1 Agrilled salmon, potato, roasted carrots, grilled romaine, G&Tyardwork
2-25no b’fastbad headache during night, soaking sweat
beans, quinoa, frozen dinnerthyroid ultrasound
No Asalmon? spinach?
2-262 egg bacon tacoswoke 4:45am so off day
bad turkey coldcut, cheese, tomato, lettuce, 1 pc bread, “Grandma’s Cookie”—low point
1Achips, queso, G&T
2-27no bfast1 hr cycle class
protein & veggie, can’t remembermedical massage
No Acan’t remember but no alcohol!
2-28no bfast
tilapia picatta w spinach
4Alobster ravioli, buratta, caprese, G&T, red wine, scotch

January 2019

Right hand PsA flare

I stopped Physical Therapy for my feet because I have to start over with my deductible. My goal is to start a home exercise routine (stay tuned). This is actually a pretty low point for me. I had a 3 week viral cold in December, a serious PsA flare for 3-4 days early January. My right hand and right ankle are swollen and my right ankle is occasionally giving out when I walk. My bunions both hurt and there is even blue bruising visible on my left foot (the most recent surgery). The bruising & flare are probably because pushed beyond my limits over the holidays. In addition to all of the above, no more estradiol means the hot flashes, brain fog & general irritability are raging right now. That combined with a lack of sleep probably initiated this PsA flare. The athletes foot fungus (tinea pedis) on my right surgery scar is better than it was, but I am so tired of dealing with this issue. Some days I think I’ve finally turned a corner, but then it flares up again. 

thru 1-8sugar, gluten & alcohol dailycold virus thru xmas, PsA flare 1/6 to 1/9, hot flashes, brain fog, irritable
1-8mini fast thru 2:30pm
cauliflower, kale, sausage soup w veggie powder & collagen powder
Smillionaire candies
3A, Gturkey pot pie, salad, gin & tonic, 2 scotchhot bath, night sweats
1-9mini fast thru 2:30 pm
cauliflower, kale, sausage soup w veggie powder & collagen powder, turkey pot pie
S3 lindt truffles
No A!mexican beans, rice, chicken, cheese enchilada, chips, salsa, chocolate cakebloated, no hot bath, no A, & slept in bra/pantie=fewer night sweats
1-10, 4A, Schicken marbella, sweet potatoes, salad, wine
1-11 4A, Slg serving of lamb chops @ restaurant, wineheadache from wine, massage!
1-12mexican for lunch w margarita
wine all afternoon
6A, S, Gsea bass, brussel sprouts, asparagus, wine
1-13 to 1-15turkey soup for lunchneck very tender-thyroid? or from cold?
1-16egg bacon taconeck tender
Gturkey soup, cookies
3A, Ssushi, gin & tonic, wine, cake
1-17eggsneck tender
Sturkey soup, cookies
2A, Gshrimp tacos, salad, 2 margarita
1-18turkey soup, cookies
5Avietnamese shrimp, cabbage, tomato stir fry, 3 tequila, 2 G&T
1-19omlette w lots of veggies, avocado
8A4 G&T, 2 red wine, 2 shots
1-202 eggs, 4 cookies
Sgreens, broccoli, tomato, pork loin, 4 choc truffles
1-21coffee, smoothie, 5 trufflesL Glutamine, walked dog!
arugula, pomegranate, goat cheese & nut salad, grilled pork, potato, 1/4 ice cream
4A, S, DG&T, 2 rose, 1 Tequila,hands sore immediately after G&T!
1-223 coffees, smoothieneed to cut back on coffee!, L-Glutamine
S, GGeneral Tso’s chicken, brown rice, 3 egg rolls, 2 fried donut balls
1Ag&T, eggplant parmegianslept w pressure gloves
1-233 coffeebad headache-sinus?
shawarma, broccoli, cauliflower, labna, hummus, pickles
5A, S, G5 wine, grits, shrimp, salad, parm cracker, cake
chicken sandwich, beef sandwich, saladcycle class
1-25no b’fast, can’t remember lunch
5A, G5 wine, baked ziti casserole, veggies, salad
1-26baked ziti leftovers
8Asteak, potatoes, brussels, cauliflower, 8 wine
1-27 Ssmall cinnamon roll
leftover pasta
4A4 wine, crab cakes, coleslaw, caesar salad
1-28juiced greensbad night sweats that were more constant than intermittment
roast pork, baked ziti leftovers, brussels, cauliflower
S4 lindtwalk dog
baked potato w bbq pork roast & cheese
Acan’t remember but probably wine
1-29goat milk, cherry, collagen, moringa veggie powderstarted sleeping w mouthpiece to stop snoring
nut mix, 1/3 ccycle class
1A1 red wine
pork roast, brussels, potato
1-302 eggs over arugla & sauted cauliflower, onion, carrot, celery, garlic & herbs
3A5 lindt, 3 white winewalk dog
pork roast, brussels
1-31egg casserole-from yesterday sauteslept in 2nd bedroom on reg mattress
A2 white choc lindt, 1/4 glass red wine
rosemary lemon pork w cream sauce, lg salad, brussels

December 2018

As you can see, I have not been logging my food, exercise, symptoms or pain on a daily basis. Food: too much alcohol, sugar & gluten but not horrible and not as much as I have consumed in prior years. Medications: I think the Taltz is better for my hand pain but the tendons in my shins are hurting more. I gradually weaned off the estrogen and progesterone this month (details under medications) and hot flashes started up again, that are quite miserable. That may also be why I had a few bad headaches this month. I started Black Cohosh & I think it may make the hot flashes slightly more manageable. Exercise: I’ve been doing Physical Therapy for my feet and that has helped me to regain strength and to lessen the pain in my feet and ankles. I did a few sessions of cycling and yoga a the beginning of the month but couldn’t do that & the PT each week so stopped. Update January 2019: Athletes foot fungus (tinea pedis) on right surgery scar still there and responding VERY SLOWLY to meds. Tea tree oil directly on scar seems to help but layering on different antifungals.

November 2018

Sometime in mid-October I turned a corner healing from my foot surgeries and found myself willing to put things away & tackle a few piles that have accumulated over the last year. I’ve tapered back on the drinking a little, but it is still almost daily. I’ll be finished weaning myself off hormones by the end of this month and I took my first dose of Taltz, which may have helped break the constant pain in my neck and lower back. I need to strengthen my core but it is hard to get motivated & exercise through the pain. You will see in my food log that I’m eating sugar & gluten way more than previously. If I eat a dessert with sugar & gluten I will get gassy & bloated with lots of pelvic pressure. Linking those symptoms to the food makes it easier for me to avoid them! When I am tired though I have almost no willpower. The holidays will be hard, but I am looking forward to a fresh start in January with a focus on exercise! Update January 2019: Athletes foot fungus (tinea pedis) on right surgery scar. Treating daily with different antifungals, sometimes looks better but not changing much.

DATE: A=Alcohol, S=sugar, G=GlutenFOOD:SYMPTOM & EXERCISE:
broccoli-liver detox soup
2Aleftovers..can’t remember but healthy, 2 wine, stayed up late w tv & ate chips!
spinach, garlic, tomato, chicken-amazing!
3Acrockpot venison stew-carrot, onions, oven dried tomatoes & peppers, potato, garlic-nothing canned-super good, late nite wine
11-3eggs, sausage, fruit
lettuce, coldcuts, pickles, stew
4A, G, Sburger, chips & queso, 4 wine, pecan pie & taste of other desserts
G, S
eggs, sausage, peppers & onions, fruit, small piece pumpkin bread & a bar
1Alarge salad with chicken on top, 1 red wine
11-5strawberries, kefir, 9g collagenback & neck pain
D, Sstew-lots, ice cream
S, NO A!nuts, choc covered walnuts
11-6eggs w peppers & onionsbad lower back pain, stretching morning & night
sushi & dumplings, ice creammassage
2 pcs pizza & 1 cookieaargh, lost willpower
11-7bacon egg tacoexcruciating back pain
trail mix
chicken, pepper, spinach, pasta, 3 pcs chocolate
3A, Scarpaccio, lobster, scallop, asparagus, lettuce, potato, creme brulee, rose bubbly, bourbonsmall amts of all food but high quality. felt good
G, Dsalad, half tuna & half pimento sandwich on wheat
D, Sice cream I think…
3A, GGF zucchini lasagna, chicken pepper spinach pasta, 3 wine
D, G, S
GF zucchini lasagna, chicken, 1 cookie, ice cream
5A, Ggrilled chicken sandwich-pulled off most of the bread, 2 G&T, 3 bourbon
11-102 eggs w tomato, pepper, garlic, avocado
tuna salad, chips, cookie
4-5Apaella, stuffed peppers, hummus, sangria
11-11blackberries, kefir, almonds, 9g collagen
tom kai gai soup
banana w almond butter
1Avenison, peppers, celery, onions stir fry
red wine
11-12 to 21working on a deadline & not logging. will hit some highlights
11-14took first Taltz injection
11-15neck pain finally broke. Either Taltz or massage
11-16 to 11-20very sleep deprived, ate sugar
S, Gcan’t remember but probably sandwich, cookies
S, Gmexican-chicken, rice, beans, tamale, sopapilla cheesecake
No A!!!queso, chips, guacfeet swollen
11-18eggs, bacon taco, cheese
S, Gcroc monsieur, cookies
3A, Gsalad, pizza, wineworst headache ever during night
11-19bone broth soupdidn’t sleep well night before, probably wine on lack of sleep
5A, Ssteak, potato, green beans, peppers, onions, tomatoes, cheesecake, 5 red winewalk
11-201 eggwalk
Ghalf chicken breast, peppers, onions, green beans, ravioli w tomatoe & pesto saucelymphatic massage
4A4 red wine, nuts
11-21coffee-consistently drinking 5+cups/day right nowwoke very relaxed-probably massage
fish tacos, rice, beansForgot estrodial, hot flashes, possibly worse from lack of sleep
4Ashared whole fried fish, grilled hamachi, sushi, cucumber, pear, whiskey, sake
11-22pumpkin bread, salmon-cracker-cream cheese, egg
turkey, dressing, sweet potato, brussel sprouts, gravyimmediately tired
pecan pie & whip creampretty sure hands swoll immediately, took advil
3 rolls w turkey, miracle whip & picles
small pecan pie & ice creamdefinitely feel it in joints!
11-23coffee, pumpkin bread
G, Sturkey, dressing, brussel sprouts, gravy, sweet potato, pecan pie
2 french 75, few nachos, turkey on biscuit
11-24coffee, pumpkin bread, egg hash with peppers, onions, garlic
5 Ared wine-bottle?
Smoked lamb, pork, beef, potato, dressing, carrot, brussel sprouts,
sex in a pan dessertmassive cramps, gas
11-25coffee, pumpkin bread, bacon egg tacomigraine during night
leftover fish, sushi, 1 piece flatbread, oranges
turkey soup, pear, 2 chocolate
2A2 glasses rose

October 2018

Things are getting worse rather than better. I am out of control. Please don’t give up on me. I’ll get myself back together soon & occasionally have a good day. I’m committed to writing down what I eat so I can connect my behavior to my symptoms. Update January 2019: Athletes foot fungus (tinea pedis) on right surgery scar. Thought it might be psoriasis but based on response to different medicines, it is not.

DATE: A=Alcohol, S=sugar, G=GlutenFOOD:EXERCISE & SYMPTOM:
10-13 coffee, smoothie-pineapple, cherry, banana, edamame, arugula, ginger, tumericBM normal. Bad neck shoulder chest pain
falafel, pita, broccoli, cauliflower, hummus, babaganoush,
3Acookie, 3 white wine
10-24 coffee, Pineapple, cherry, kale, 9g collagen, tumeric, ginger smoothieLGlutamine
pork, squash, blk beans, mushrooms
5Afew bites bbq, potato salad, beans, 1 white, 4 red winestayed up late watching tv,
10-33 coffee, mango, cherry, kale, 9g collagen, ginger, tumeric smoothieL-Glutamine, pilates, only 6 hr sleep
G, Sturkey cheese tomato lettuce on wheat, chips, 2 cookiesneck tension into my jaw
G, 3A2 slices pizza, 3 red wine
10-4bacon egg taco
tuna on wheat, chips, choc cookiehorrible neck pain
2Achicken leg, broccoli, arugula salad, 2 red winehands hurt
10-5egg casserole, avocado
7A, Gfajita taco, beans, 2 margaritas, 1 G&T, 1 bottle wine, half bag sweet potato chipsat ACL
10-6half smoothie, egg casserole, avocado
7A, GG&T, chicken sandwich, fries, half bag sweet potato chipstoo much wine @ ACL but drank more water
10-7egg casserole, banana,stomach wrecked
3A, Gburger, tater tots, 3-4 wine all day
10-8half smoothie, pear
broccoli soup, egg casseroleate very little til 3pm
chicken leg, roasted cauliflower, few roasted potatoes, 1/2c ice cream
10-9coffeeLGlutamine, milk thistle
broccoli, pork, potato, goat milk kefir, plum, 9g collagen
2 peppers, cucumber, tomatoes w hummus
spaghetti squash w spinach, 1/2 meatball, 1/2 svg ravioli lasagnaneck pain bad
10-10bacon egg tacoL Glutamine, milk thistle
Gspaghetti squash, spinach, pork, small amt ravioli lasagnaGut healing after horrible weekend
1Acan’t remember but relatively healthy, only few sips of some wine
10-11Smoothie, 9g collagen, egg casseroleLGlutamine, milk thistle
Gsalad, 1/2 tuna sand, 1/2 turkey sand, hummus, tzatziki
5Achicken piccata, pasta, salad, 4-5 wine
10-12smoothie w kefir, 9g collagen, egg casseroleLGlutamine, milk thistle
3Achicken, green beans, 5pm G&T, 6 pm beer, 11pm bourbon
10-133 coffee, egg casserole, smoothieL Glutamine, milk thistle
can’t remembermissed some days
chicken parmesan, veggies
3Agin & tonic, 2 bourbon
torchy’s shrimp taco, trailer park-fried chicken
1Ashishito peppers, venison, okra, corn, salad, 1 good red wine
10-15coffee, smoothie, egg casseroleL Glutamine, milk thistle
pear, trail mix
1Alg salad, leftover pork, broccoli, corn, 1 red wine
10-16smoothie w 9g collagenL Glutamine, milk thistle
egg casserole w 1 tomato
Asteak, potato, brussel sprouts, shrimp garlic butter, creme brulee, 1 Red wine
10-17Smoothie w 9g collagenL Glutamine, milk thistle
spinach, broccoli, tomato, onion, garlic & 2 eggsSpin class
leftover pork, brussel sprouts, potato
white cake w icingimmediate gas from cake
5A5 red wine, 4 c chipsstayed up late watching TV
10-18smoothie, 9 g collagenLGlutamine, milk thistle, lg BM, pain worse this morning-wine or sugar or lack of sleep?
broccoli soupelliptical intervals 5″
veggies at mtg
Ssalad w grilled chicken, tzatziki, 2 cookies
A2 beer
10-20can’t remember but healthy at home
10-212 mimosas, salad, veggies, roast beef
2Acan’t remember but healthy at home
10-22broccoli, cauliflower, labna, babaganoush, falafel, pitaSpin class
chicken, beans, salsa, chips, small amts of all
beans upset my stomach
10-23smoothieL Glut
banana & almond butter
5Asushi, fish, big mixture, winegenerally feeling better
leftovers-can’t rememberhands not hurting
S, Gsalad, 3-4 ziti w meat cheese sauce, cookie
leftovers healthypilates class
1Aleftovers for dinner, 1 wine
tater tots, banana & almond butter
10-27eggs, sausage, fruitcomputer all day
coldcuts, tomato, pickles
2Apizza, 2 gin & tonic
10-28eggs, baconvery swollen..gin? computer?
10Ajames beard dinner-very diverse menu,
10-29broth, watercolonoscopy prep
falafel, broccoli, cauliflower, hummus, babaganoush, pickles, labnahnoisy digestion
salmon, broccolidiarrhea still
salmon, spinach, broccoli
leftover chicken & veggies
3A3 wine

September 2018

I would love to believe that I will eat more cleanly now that school has started but the reality is there is an event almost every night of the week through Thanksgiving and most of them will include a glass of wine. So I’m pledging to do my best!  Update January 2019: Athletes foot fungus (tinea pedis) on right surgery scar. I thought it was just the way my scar was healing so did nothing in September.

DATE: A=Alcohol, S=sugar, G=GlutenFOODEXERCISE & SYMPTOM
9-1 to 9-2Drank daily but not as heavily as in past & had small amount of sugar daily. Good food tho so not much sugar or gluten.Felt okay. BMs good. Alcohol affects my sleep & the inflammation so more motivated to limit it.
9-3coffee, egg, veg, saus casserole w tomatoes
No A!lemon cake, 1 cookie
large green salad, 3 choc covered walnutshungry when went to bed!
9-4coffee, peach, blueberry, 9g collagen, kefirPilates stretch
BM normal
large salad
bbq baked potato, salad, squash & mushrooms, okra, zucchiniate too much!
.5Adrank half of a gin & tonic. 1/2 c ice creamrealized onions make me crave something sweet after I eat!
9-52 coffee, smoothie-banana, pineapple, kale 9g collagen1st BM normal, 2nd BM too loose, L-Glutamine
2:30p chicken on corn tortilla, squash, cheese, salsa, greenspilates. Was super hungry & now very tired after eating
3Apork loin, asparagus, salad, scallop potatoes, goat cheese quiche, berry gallette, small amts of each, 3 wine
9-6smoothie-9g collagen
bbq baked potato & broccoliswim 30 laps
3Aarugala, salmon, avocado, 3 white winelost some detail here-forgot to save?
9-7smoothie-9g collagenbifidus probiotic
broccoli soup, tom kai gai souppilates
3Agin & fizzy water on bus, Mango margarita, white wine
3 pork tacos w avocado & cotija cheeseawake til 3am, bus to game
9-81pm egg, veggie, b’fast sausage hashswam 25 laps
5Asteak, baked potato, asparagus, grilled romaine salad, 5-good red winewoke at 3am for almost 2 hours
9-9torchy’s fried avocado taco & shrimp tacoBM very firm!
2 coffeeno exercise
No Asalad, squash w mushrooms, choc covered walnutsfew toots
9-10pineapple cherry kale smoothie, 9g collagenL Glutamine, BM normal
hot sour soup, Sesame chicken white rice, egg rollPilates
No Asalad w squash & mushroom & asparagus
Schoc walnuts
9-11egg casserolemedical massage
ice creamno exercise, L foot pain where K wire attaches to 2nd metatarsal
salad, broccoli, venison sliceoverall pain for last week
2A2 wine
9-12egg bacon tacono exercise
broccoli, half potato w bbq on topL foot pain bad
2Ashrimp cocktail & corn chips, 2 french 75
9-132 coffee, peach kale 9g collagen smoothie. kefir, blueberries & almondsstinky BM-peppers, tomato & probably sugar in cocktail. L foot getting serious. can’t walk morning. L Glutamine, milk thistle, meloxicam
caesar salad, few slices chicken in small amt pasta, 2 oatmeal cookies—aargh!mtg weakness! hurting lots & no willpower
2 coffeepilates-felt better
chicken, thigh, broccoli, fennel, carrots, onion mix, sweet potatomom & dad in town, lost track….
3A2 or 3 wine
9-14coffee, smoothie
coldcuts on romaine lettuce leaf, chipsDr put me back in boot. Over exerted
Fish tacos
9-15eggs, bfast sausage, veggies, avacado, tomatohands hurt
choc covered walnuts
sushi & sake
4A total3 wine
9-16chicken breast w cilantro sauce & saladhands hurt
No A!!!!salad
9-17kale pineapple banana smoothie 9g collagen
egg, bfast sausage tacos w avacado, tomato, salsa
2A2 empanadas, 1/2 quesadilla, tomato mozzarella app, 2 wine
9-18coldcut turkey & provolone on romaine w roasted peppers & chipsL Glutamine, Bifidus, massage focused on lymphatic drainage
kefir w blueberries & strawberries
korean pulled pork on lettuce, cabbage
5A4 white wine, 1 scotch
9-19kale, pinapple, banana, 9g collagen smoothieheadache, but BM normal, L Glutamine & Milk Thistle
chicken thigh/leg, small amt sweet potato & white potato, arugala salad, kefir & strawberry
4A4 red wine-Chappallet
small amts: bib salad, fried okra, green tomato, cauliflower, 3 slices gourmet pizza
9-20peach, kefir, 9g collagenFirst BM firm, 2nd diarrhea! probably red wine! Lglutamine & milk thistle
1 chicken strip, gyro meat, pita, tzatziki, lettuce
No A, S, D2 oz grilled chicken w couscous, cheese cake, hot teaGood job resisting A late at night!
9-21smoothie kale, banana, pineapple, 9g collagenLGlutamine, normal BM
small plain salad, cookiephysically tired, nap
2 coffee @ 4pmnot falling asleep last 2-3 nights & haven’t been writing down afternoon coffees
2Afish taco, white bean nachos, 2 pinot grigiohip hurt
9-22trail mix, 2 eggs, veggie hash for lunchno LG, forgot morning meds 2 days
2 coffee @ ~2pmneed to start watching, trouble sleeping
salmon, okra, squash, potatoes, spinach saladbike ride
5A2 Gin & tonic, 3 pinot noir, flourless choc cake whip creamSeemed ok @ bedtime
9-23coffeewoke w terrible headache
korean pulled pork on lettuce w cabbagebike ride
green tea, watermelon, cantelope, tumeric teaneck, back, hands, hurting today
No Avery small amt flourless choc cake, ice cream & whip cream
9-243 coffee, minifast til 1pmBM normal, pain slightly better
korean pulled pork, cabbage, on lettuce, sour cream, avocadobike ride
3A2 red wine, 1 bourbon
smoked pork, whole sweet potato, asparagus, spinach saladate 8pm, then stayed up watching tv til midnight
9-262 coffeeBM firm then normal
11am 2 eggs, sausage, peppers, asparagus, avocado40″ bike ride
2A2 red wine, 1/2 cup mixed nuts
9-272 eggs over arugla & sauted vegetables, avocadoBM too firm. Hurt
kefir, plum, almonds, 9g collagen20″ bike ride
pork, okra, potato, squash
3A1 red, 1 white, 1 bourbon
9-28egg casserole & smoothie w 9g collagenLglutamine
salad, broccoli soup, half of an iced sugar cookieimmediately craved more when finished cookie
pork, okra, squash, potato
4A4 white wine late after gamewent to bed 1:30am
9-29squash casserole, trail mixLGlutamine
quinoa, veggie wrap w caesar dressing, chips, cookiefilled me up for way longer than expected
4Acalamari, tuna tartar, lobster bisque, scallops, asparagus, bite of cheesecake & flourless choc cake, bourbon & 2 champagne, red wineHuge BM ~4pm & ~10pm. Firmer but not too firm, held shape. Seemed healthy. Quinoa?
9-30coffee & trailmixhuge BM again! Not too firm & held shape.
salmon eggs benedict w potatoes & mimosa
stir fry & dumplings w rice3.3 mile bike ride
sweet tooth—coffee cup of ice cream

August 2018

I originally thought I would use August to do a cleanse. It has been harder than I thought because summer celebrations have not let up! However, I do believe I have made progress and overall am drinking significantly less than 2 years ago and the sugar and gluten are almost negligible parts of my diet compared to a couple years ago. It is important to recognize this progress!

A=Alcohol, S=Sugar, G=Gluten
8-20 Mpeaches, black raspberries, blueberries w milk & 9 mg collagenL Glutamine
2-3 normal BMs
Bone broth w broccoli, cauliflower & sausage
Lintel & sweet potato soup
stomach gurgled
3A3 Gin & Tonics
8-21 Tpeaches, black raspberries, blueberries, almonds w milk
Egg muffin w veg & sausage
Forgot L Glutamine & Collagen
greek salad, broccoli, chicken kabob
S1/2 c Ice creamSwim laps
Pork loin, roast potatoes, carrots, saladtummy squeaks after pm vitamins
1AGin & Tonic
8-22 W2 coffee
peach, blk rasp, blueberries, kefir, almonds
3 fish tacos but only part of 1 tortilla, ~1 tbsp beans
1/4c cookies & cream ice cream
had mona lisa procedure today
2A2 Gin & Tonicrealized not enjoying, need to stop!
Venison, green beans, zucchini, salad, cantalope
8-23 Th2 coffee, peach, black raspberries, figs, goat kefir, sliced almondwoke w headache, Humira
leftover chicken wing, green beans, roasted potatoesSwam 30 laps
NO A!roast beef, tomato, lettuce on half the bun, salad & broke down….2 peanut butter cookies during mtg!Started Bifidus Balance Probiotic
8-24 F2 coffee, Smoothie: cherries, berries, kale, 9g collagen proteinheadache gone!
Pilates-core feeling stronger
cinnamon teaBifidus
2 egg, sausage, veggie muffins, avocado, salsa
2 cups coffee
leftover pork butt, green beans, squash, roast potatoes
3A, S3 white wine, brisket, potato, taste of key lime pie
8-25 Sacoffee–Train Wreck with food today!minor gas, 2 BM-normal, Pilates-core/legs
2A, Seggs benedict, 2 mimosas, birthday cake
4A, G, S2 white wine
2 red wine
shrimp tempura, lamb chop, sticky toffee pudding
8-26 Su2 coffee, 2 egg,veg, saus muffins w avocado & tomatoBM-normal
BM-Diarrhea after ate
4A, G2 Gin & Tonic, 2 red wine, homemade pizza on grillbifidus balance, cod liver oil
8-27Disaster with food, trying a fast this morning, coffee, kombuchaDid not sleep well. Woke 1am for about an hour. stomach rumbling. BM normal tho
20 hour fast!4pm peach, blueberry, almond, kefirswim 30 laps
No A!pork loin, caesar salad, mixed fresh & roasted veggies, 2 choc covered walnutsbifidus balance, cod liver oil. to bed hungry but proud of myself!
8-282 coffeebody in detox-tired & sore, BM ok but hard pieces
egg, spinach, tomato, mushroom, avocado on croissant w coffee @ B’fast meeting
blueberries, kefir, 9g collagen, 2 coffeeL Glutamine, bifidus balance
3pm two egg, veg, sausage muffins w avocado & salsavery stressful day-3 hours w friend who needs to go to rehab
2 Gin & Tonic @ movie
8-303 coffee, blueberries, 9g collagen, kefirBM normal, L-glutamine
nuts, 1:30-egg, veg, sausage muffin w avocado & salsamedical massage-changed leg lengths!
3 choc covered walnuts
can’t remember but protein & veggie for sure
meat potatoes for in-laws?

Food and Symptom Diary week of 7-29-18

I am still recovering from summer. I had vowed to stop the alcohol and sugar as soon as all the trips stopped. This would be my first week, but I had alcohol every night except one and I helped myself to ice cream daily. However, I DID start back on some supplements that are good for my gut bugs (L-glutamine first thing in the morning). And I seem to be responding well to the additional Magnesium supplements. This week I finished the liquid form that I was adding to my morning smoothies. I’m transitioning to a chelated pill form and will see how I respond to that. Watching for diarrhea as that is a clue that I’m not absorbing the magnesium. Here’s the diary if you are truly interested. July 29th week

2017 to 2018

If you want a copy of my food log from January 2017 to August 2018 email me and I’ll scan it in.